Tumble Creek Farm welcomed the arrival of the new guardian llama last week. A new friend selected her out of a flock of approximately 80 llamas. This young female was born just before Christmas three years ago and was named Noel. I really tried to stick with that name as she would turn her head when I called her. It didn't seem to roll off the tongue easily so I altered it a bit to Noella. I also like the double 'll' as she is a 'll'ama.
Irrigation season is in full swing and I have been moving the ewes to the front pasture in the mornings and back to the center field in the evenings. Noella joins right in and has been making friends. I added two new ewes to this group two days ago as I was weaning their lambs. She was not quite sure about this change but has been sticking with them as they wander the fenceline looking for their lambs.
Black Sheep Gathering is fast approaching and the lambs are in school learning how to behave and walk on a lead. I use halters in the show ring because I don't like chasing an escapee. The sheep walk out nicely on their own after they have learned that the thing on their heads is okay and will be staying in place. Hope to see you all there in June.